Friday, October 3, 2014

The Founding Fathers' worst nightmare, live and in person....

In Barack Obama's America, the weirdness and spookiness just keeps coming at you like the pop-up monsters and skeletons in a state fair spookhouse. f you click the link above* you’ll hear not only the questioning by Senator Ted Cruz, but also the weaseling of Senator Feinstein and also the brilliant analysis by Constitutional lawyer and scholar Mark Levin.

She’s studied the Constitution? Apparently not, because she clearly demonstrates she doesn’t know a damn thing about the wording of the document itself let alone the history behind it.

“The answer [to Senator Cruz’s] question is obvious?” Apparently not to her, despite her snide answer that it was. I’d wager my next paycheck she couldn’t explain to him why she’s conveniently and inconsistently applying her logic from right to right in the Bill of Rights.

She’s been a mayor and a congressquack for 20+ years? Who cares? She never answered Senator Cruz’s question about Constitutional consistency using her own logic on the First and Fourth Amendments. She may have scammed her way onto the public dole for 20+ years, but she obviously doesn’t have a clue about the Law of the Land – you know, the U.S. Constittution and the Bill of Rights. 

She respects the Constitution? She’s not a 6th grader? Really? Well, she demonstrates a less-than-sixth grader’s competence in the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights – of which the Second Amendment – theSecond Amendment – established well over 200 years ago and have protected ever since. 

Oh, but she subscribes to the convenient liberal belief that the Constitution and Bill of Rights are “living, breathing documents.” Make no mistake; that’s nothing but a smokescreen for we want to nullify the law of the land – the Constitution and Bill of Rights, YOUR rights! – whenever they become inconvenient to taking away your freedoms.

Maybe you're not a gun owner and think this whole issue isn't really of much concern to you. Whether you do or don't own a gun, you'd better wake up, America. If they nullify your Second Amendment rights, they can just as easily nullify any other of your Constitutionally-guaranteed freedoms. And that’s why Dianne Feinstein wouldn’t answer Senator Cruz’s question. And that kind of convenient neutering of and disregard for the Bill of Rights and Constitution by government is EXACTLY what the Founding Fathers who wrote it feared the most.

First they came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up,
because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me,and by that time there was no one
left to speak up for me.

- Martin Niemöller**

*Levin, M. (March 14, 2013) Educational purposes only.Thank you, Mark for enabling us to educate our fellow citizens so brilliantly.
**United States Holocaust Museum (May 11, 2012) Martin Niemöller: "First they came for the Socialists...", Retrieved March 14, 2013 from

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