Friday, October 3, 2014

Why I think the GOP WANTS to lose the 2012 Presidential election.

Back during the 2008 presidential election, the GOP candidate was Arizona Senator John McCain. His opponent was a little-known former community activist from Chicago and a Senator from Illinois named Barak Hussein Obama. Obama was a less-than-one-term senator who had merely voted “present” on every issue he was present in the Senate to vote on. His only campaign speeches were so non-committal as to promise “hope,” “change you can believe in” and “yes, we can.” Not only did Obama have next to no record to campaign on, his very citizenship was – and still is – in question.

John McCain wasn’t a conservative. He wasn’t really a moderate either. In fact, an examination of his voting and speaking record shows that John McCain’s only cause in his entire political career has been John McCain.  

Fast forward to 2012; Barak Hussein Obama is up for re-election.

Obama’s four-year record as president shows him to stand AGAINST everything that America – to date – has stood on and for. He has bowed to foreign kings, went on a public apology tour condemning past U.S. behaviors around the world and demonstrated a complete disregard – nay, disrespect – for the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. He has disregarded, some say, or violated say others, the Executive Powers Clause with his appointment of Czars, the hiring and firing of corporate CEOs from the Oval Office and skyrocketed the U.S. National Debt so far out of sight with his “stimulus” package that not only are we as a population so far in debt we have no hope of anything but national insolvency but also so do our grandchildren and their grandchildren.And when his "stimulus" plan failed miserably to prevent double-digit unemployment, he's told us to just consider high unemployment "the new norm."

Additionally he, along with his fellow Socialist cronies then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and current Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid rammed socialized medicine down the throats of the American people very much against the will of the people. This was evidenced by the haste in which they passed it before the mid-term congressional elections claiming that “"[Congress has] to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it….”*[See above video clip.]

All this and yet to say nothing of the demonstratively elitist behaviors he has shown in the umpteen hugely expensive vacations he and his family have taken at taxpayer expense the past four years. 

With such a record, the 2012 election should be an election that is truly up to the GOP to win or lose.

But in the face of such a dismal record as President of the United States, who does it look like the GOP will run against Barak Hussein Obama and his abominable record as POTUS? So far, it looks like they’re going to be running former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney a “country club Republican” and a RINO** if there ever was one. His own state’s health care legislation known as “RomneyCare”*** since Romney sponsored its early form and signed the version modified by Massachusetts legislature into law while governor, looks like a smaller-sized version of ObamaCare. And his record otherwise shows him to be anything but a conservative. RINO masks candidates with such liberal tendencies by calling them “moderates.” Make no mistake; in this most-critical presidential election in 2012, there’s no difference between a moderate and a liberal.

And this moderate is what the GOP thinks will defeat such an obvious liberal as Barak Hussein Obama, another liberal just packaged in a GOP wrapping? Did they learn nothing from their loss against a candidate without much record to stand against?  Yet now that they’ve got an enormous record that just begs to be criticized by anything and everything American, this is what we get for a choice? Mitt Frickin’ Romney?

Tell me the GOP doesn’t really want to lose the election that is truly theirs to lose. And if the GOP can't beat Barak Hussein Obama and his abominable record, then who can they beat?

*Pelosi, N, Address to the 2010 Legislative Conference for the National Association of Counties, as quoted by Roff, P. March 9, 2010 in U.S. News Politics, Pelosi: Pass Health Reform So You Can Find Out What’s In It, Retrieved from

**Republican In Name Only

*** Chapter 58 of the Acts of 2006 of the Massachusetts General Court, An Act Providing Access to Affordable, Quality, Accountable Health Care

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