Friday, October 3, 2014

Tax Day 2012 - What are we today?

“Taxation without representation is tyranny” according to the founding fathers who wrote the Declaration of Independence and launched a country. To them, as Colonists of the British Empire, being taxed at ever-higher amounts and without a voice in the British government was unconscionable and intolerable.

Fast forward to 2012. Though we have elected representatives in our country’s government, how much do those in Congress really “represent” us? Most of them are millionaires and have been for decades of congressional reps. Considering that the Obama Administration has appointed numerous czars that report to nobody other than Obama. All in congress and the White House are now apparently above the law in that Obamacare will not apply to those who forced it on the rest of us. Most will never return to a “real” job and have to sweat out making a living from it and avoiding a layoff.  

So….As we file our returns and prepare to call it a night this Tax Day, perhaps we need to ask; Are we "represented" adequately anymore? Is our country’s government still the idea the founding fathers’ envisioned? Or has it become what they truly feared and did their best to protect us from with the Constitution?

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