Friday, October 3, 2014

Civilian drone flights over the U. S. will be the beginning of the end of American liberty.

You knew it was only a matter of time. Once the unmanned aerial vehicle technology was proven on the battlefield for surveillance and attack for America's armed forces, it was only a matter of time before it would be used against American private citizens.

Those with permanent head-in-the-sand disease used to rebut such a suggestion by saying there were FAA regulations against UAVs in domestic airspace and other civil legislation making such use impossible. Yet, according to the article linked above, "Congress has told the FAA that the agency must allow civilian and military drones to fly in civilian airspace by September 2015."*

Read more here:

So, with the stroke of a pen, it looks like such prohibitions and protections were shown the door allowing the U.S. government to routinely and indiscriminately spy on multiple thousands of its own citizens at once. And as such tactics are ushered in, America's long-standing heritage and culture of individual freedom and liberty will be ushered out.

*Lowy, J. (2012, Febr 26). Pressure builds for civilian drone flights at home, Taken from

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