Friday, October 3, 2014

Stupid is as stupid tries to do.

Blowback for Obama on Christmas Tree “Tax”: "Starting today, the government is imposing a 15-cent fee on most fresh-cut Christmas trees, but before critics compare President Obama to the Grinch, officials want to explain this is a growers’ arrangement to boost tree sales."*

Really? Boost sales? Seriously? Where has taxing ANYthing ever caused an increase in sales of that item?

"And they insist it is not a 'tax.'"* Yeah, right. All who believe that one, step right on over. I've got some Florida swampland and a bridge in Brooklyn I need to unload cheap.

"As the holidays approach, imported fresh trees will be assessed as they cross the border, and American growers will ante up in February for each fresh-cut Christmas tree sold."* So...if they're taxing imported Christmas trees only then why are American growers having to "ante up?"

"The money all goes to a marketing board being set up for the tree growers’ industry, just like the “Got Milk” dairy marketing campaign and the beef industry’s “What’s for Dinner” commercials, both examples of what officials call highly successful advertising efforts which boosted sales and consumption." Yeah, but.... The "Got Milk" campaign was paid for by the National Milk Processor Board (MilkPEP). They exist on membership dues and contributions from members and other donors**. This is a key point; they are not, nor was the "Got Milk" campaign subsidized or funded by government tax funds.

"...a new 15-cent charge on all fresh Christmas trees—the Christmas Tree Tax—[will] support a new Federal program to improve the image and marketing of Christmas trees."*** Really? The Christmas tree has an image problem? Really? Seriously?

Thank God the American public went into outrage at this absurdity. And, now, under fire from people upset the Obama Administration is taxing Christmas trees, the Dept of Agriculture is suddenly saying they're delaying imposing the "fee."****  "White House spokesman Matt Lehrich told ABC News that despite some media coverage, 'I can tell you unequivocally that the Obama Administration is not taxing Christmas trees. What’s being talked about here is an industry group deciding to impose fees on itself to fund a promotional campaign....'" Really? Then if it's the Christmas tree industry that's taxing itself, why is the federal government (USDA and the Obama administration) saying and doing any of this? How dumb do you think we are?

Honestly; where do these people learn this silliness?


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