Friday, October 3, 2014

The death of the Constitutional representative republic

Today America completely lost its representative republic form of government. Oh, there was no official proclamation, no signing of any official document like the Constitution or Declaration of Independence that had – until today – established the law of the land to be anything but a nobility or imperial form of government. But thru the incoherent and appalling decision by the U.S. Supreme Court regarding Arizona’s immigration law, it’s obvious that the days of “for the people and by the people”* are history.

Arizona recently passed a law that said [and therefore did] nothing more than enforce federal law by saying that if the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement divisions would not or were to busy to enforce current federal law prohibiting illegal immigration, then Arizona law enforcement officials were to do it for them. Mind you, the Arizona law did not attempt to supercede or eliminate any federal powers. Rather it said, if the feds won’t enforce their own laws, we’ll make state laws that say the same thing and we can enforce. Yet somehow the liberal and the wishy washy wings of the U.S. Supreme Court somehow think that such state law contradicts federal law. An opinion dissenting justice Antonin  Scalia calls “mindboggling.”**

I think we’re all in agreement that the legislative branch of the federal government seems to have become more and more a professional political body made up of well-to-do Mr. and Mrs. Smiths that go to Washington but never return to the real world. That is because they don’t have to. They all have become quite the fatcats sponging off the public increasing their wealth while in office and making laws that the rest of us have to live [dare I say suffer?] under and by which they do not have to comply with –  Obamacare being the most glaring example thereof.

And the past four years, in this “government of the people, by the people and for the people,” it has become nauseatingly obvious that the executive branch of the federal government has lost any sense of reality or touch with the people. Rather Barack Hussein Obama has demonstrated more every day that he views himself an imperialist head of state and completely above the law if he so chooses to be. That is to say, he does not behave as if the law of the land affects him in any way, least of all binding or restricting him. Creating umpteen unchecked czars, utilizing a record number of recess appointments and most recently invoking executive privilege regarding the conspiracy between His Excellency and his Reichfuhrer attorney general to cover up their massive armament of Mexican druglords through Fast and Furious.

And today’s ruling in Arizona vs. United States today, the USSC completely nullified the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. A part of the Bill of Rights, the Tenth Amendment states the Constitution's principle of federalism by providing that powers not granted to the federal government nor prohibited to the States by the Constitution are reserved to the States or the people.***

By whoring themselves out to political correctness and corruption to pander votes, with today’s ruling the five justices in the affirmative told the states to hell with what isn’t expressly granted to us, we’re taking it anyway states rights be damned and the Bill of Rights too. With this ruling those five justices more concerned with political correctness than legality and constitutional law sent this country reeling into the depths of a second world soft tyranny at best by proving that not only is the executive and legislative branches completely corrupt and impotent at policing themselves, but now we lost our 3rd and last hope in the check and balance system – the courts.

The federal appellate level of the courts demonstrated the past 20 years that it had whored itself over to the dark side. The congress and presidency has been conquered and sold us – WE THE PEOPLE – out to it too. That has all been frightening enough. But now today… our last hope… the last bastion of checks and balances in the land of the used-to-be-free and former home of the brave threw their lot in with the rest of the new Empire. 

This position was further cemented by policy implemented by former Arizona governor now current  Department of Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano who – just to ensure the supremacy of the all-powerful federal government - stripped Arizona police agencies of authority to arrest illegal immigrants mere hours after this “mindboggling” Supreme Court ruling.**** In this appalling USSC decision and even more galling ruling by DHS, our own government has rendered us no longer a constitutional, representative republic and placed us squarely in the land of empire, elitism and have made us a second world dictatorship at best ruled by a politburo-like body unconcerned with the law if it gets unpopular or inconvenient.

God help us all.

*Wikipedia (24 June, 2012) Gettysburg Address, Retrieved from

**Shear, M. (25 June, 2012) Scalia Cites Obama Immigration Policy in Dissent on Arizona Law, The Caucus, Retrieved from

***Wikipedia (15 June, 2012) Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution Retrieved from

****Newsmax (25 June, 2012) Homeland Security Strips 5 Ariz. Police Agencies of Immigration Powers, Retrieved from


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