Wednesday, December 23, 2015

18-22 year olds then and now....

This makes a very profound point! 

This makes a very profound point!

It reminds me of a great part in Tom Brokaw's wonderful tribute to the 18-22 year olds of "then," "The Greatest Generation;" he talks about how on a Halloween Night in the late 1950s, some teenagers in his small S Dakota town had wreaked a little mischief on the community. An older man was in the post office the following morning complaining about the errant teenagers and their night's work of mischief. In the story, Brokaw's mom said to the gent, "Oh, now; what were YOU doing back when you were that age, huh?" He replied "Storming ashore at the Battle for Iwo Jima." And he turned and walked out.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

The best analogy ever!

I bought a bird feeder.  I hung it on my back porch and filled it with seed. What a beauty of a bird feeder it was, as I filled it lovingly with seed.  Within a week we had hundreds of birds taking advantage of the continuous flow of free and easily accessible food.

But then the birds started building nests in the boards of the patio, above the table, and next to the barbecue.

Then came the poop. It was everywhere: on the patio tile, the chairs, the table, everywhere!

Then some of the birds turned mean. They would dive bomb me and try to peck me even though I had fed them out of my own pocket.

And others birds were boisterous and loud. They sat on the feeder and squawked and screamed at all hours of the day and night and demanded that I fill it when it got low on food.

After a while, I couldn't even sit on my own back porch anymore So I took down the bird feeder and in three days the birds were gone.  I cleaned up their mess and took down the many nests they had built all over the patio.

Soon, the back yard was like it used to be ......... quiet, serene....and no one demanding their rights to a free meal.

Now let's see......Our government gives out free food, subsidized housing, free medical care and free education, and allows anyone born here to be an automatic citizen.

Then the illegal's came by the tens of thousands. Suddenly our taxes went up to pay for free services; small apartments are housing 5 families; you have to wait 6 hours to be seen by an emergency room doctor;  your child's second grade class is behind other schools because over half the class doesn't speak English.

Corn Flakes now come in a bilingual box; I have to 'press one ' to hear my bank talk to me in English, and people waving flags other than ours are squawking and screaming in the streets, demanding more rights and free liberties.

Just my opinion, but maybe it's time for the government to take down the bird feeder. 

[Received this via email with no idea who the author is. Whoever wrote this is spot on!]

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Couldn't have said it better.

Quote Of the Day:*
"Frankly, I don't know what it is about California, but we seem to have a strange urge to elect really obnoxious women to high office. I'm not bragging you understand, but no other state, including Maine, even comes close. When it comes to sending left-wing dingbats to Washington, we're Number One. There's no getting around the fact that the last time anyone saw the likes of Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Maxine Waters, and Nancy Pelosi, they were stirring a cauldron when the curtain went up on 'Macbeth'. The four of them are like jackasses who happen to possess the gift of blab. You don't know if you should condemn them for their stupidity or simply marvel at their ability to form words."

-- Columnist Burt Prelutsky, Los Angeles Times

*Some cite this as having been printed in the LA Times. However, best I can find is reference to it having been printed on Prelutsky's blog. Even then I can't find it or have any idea dea of the original publish date. That having been said, it's still a pretty good description.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

We don’t need more gun control we need to emphasize SELF Control...and common sense!

Everytime one of these senseless and horrific mass shootings occurs – Columbine, Sandy Hook the Denver movie theater and now - with Islamic terrorism happening on American soil – San Bernadino, Barack Hussein Obama and his ilk on the left immediately start chattering hysterically about needing more and more and more gun control.

Well, I have news for you, Obama et al; the answer to Columbine, Sandy Hook, Virginia Teach and other similar active shooter situations is not more gun control. Rather, as far as solutions go, the solution to deranged, unstable non-Muslims going off their nut and blasting away at a room full of unarmed innocents is…wait for it…more and more and more SELF control.

Liberals and other gun control fans love to analogize a more heavily armed society with the Wild West and start talking about shootouts and blahblahblahblahblah. Well, the facts are that the amount of gunfights – be they two people standing in the middle of a deserted dusty street challenging each other to “draw, partner!” or teams of 3 or 4 each spread out across the rocks blasting away at each other – were factually few and far between. So much so that “Wild West” museums struggle with the problem of depicting Early American West history as historically factual (i.e., no gun fights) or to fudge a little on the period-correctness and have a larger percentage of gunfights than was ever really a part of the era, just to attract attendance and live up to the visitors’ paradigm of “The Old West.”
Let put that a different way. The historical record shows that even in a society as the “Old/Wild West” was with next to zero gun laws and a prolifically-armed populace where everyone was openly packing a “shootin’ iron” on their hip and every horse’s saddle incorporated a lever action repeating carbine there weren’t enough real shootings or shoot outs

No, Barry et al; the answer is NOT yanking guns away from private, law-abiding citizenry. It’s about getting back to teaching a consistent moral code to people from birth to death and enforcing that. Remember this nation really was founded on Judeo-Christian values that teach “Thou Shall Not Murder”*

And – central to this – they punished murderers in the “Old West” – swiftly, promptly and fatally. They “hung ‘em high” and were damned quick about it. No sitting in jail for 30 years while a dozen appeals were filed, activist judges ruled capital punishment “unconstitutional” or waiting on repeals from the governor.

No, the answer is not more gun control. Look at Washington, DC. In the 1980s and ‘90s it was known as the “murder capital” of the USA yet had the strictest gun control laws in the country.** California has the strictest gun control laws in existence in America today*** And in France there is no right to bear arms and one has to submit to a psychological evaluation and repeatedly renew a license to even own a gun over there.****

So, bottom line; for non-Islamic terrorism mass shootings, an additional solution is to cease “mainstreaming” the more unstable. Remember the Sandy Hook shooter and Columbine shooters and the Denver theater shooter all had serious obvious and demonstrated mental health issues. I’m sorry but we need to sequester those folks away from society (like we used to do). Don’t just medicate ‘em and send ‘em on their way.  Nothing’s going to guarantee they’re going to stay on those meds and not hurt anybody.

The answer is not “safe zones” on college campuses, “gun free” public buildings or any of that feels good but proven ineffective as hell stupidness. The answer is let law-abiding Americans arm themselves so they at least have a fightin’ chance at surviving should someone try this violence in their presence.

As for the Islamic terrorism thing; again Obama et al, the answer is not restricting gun rights. And it sure as hell isn’t shove more undocumented, unknown “refugees” from those countries down our throats (maybe I should say at our throats) and into our cities and neighborhoods. No, we need more self control and common sense from Obama et al on immigration – particularly from Muslim countries.

And in an active terrorist shooting event, a prolifically-armed society of law-abiding citizens has a far better chance of incident survival than does a heavily-armed police force that can’t be everywhere. Take yesterday for example. The area of the San Bernadino shooting, the area in and around the Inland Center, was literally swarming with law enforcement. And they brought in some big military-style equipment.

Fat lotta good. All that didn’t do one thing for the 14 killed and 17 wounded and who knows how many traumatized by the event. The cops – I don’t care how armed they are – can’t be everywhere at once.

*Original Hebrew Torah verb used in the sixth commandment was “rastah” which only refers to criminal acts of taking another’s life. Not the all-encompassing English verb “kill” that covers taking of life under any circumstances. See Wintry Knight blog (25 Mar, 2010) Does the Bible Say Thou Shalt Not Kill or Thou Shalt Not Murder? Retrieved 3 Dec, 2015 from
**Lewis, A and McKenna B (6 Aug, 2014) BBC News, Washignton DC from murder capital to boomtown. Retrieved 3 Dec, 2015 from
***Smith, S. (2 Dec., 2015) Bustle, California Has the Toughest Gun Control In the Country, And That Might Be Exactly the Point, Retrieved 3 Dec., 2015 from

****Taylor, A. (9 Jan, 2015) Washington Post, France has strict gun laws. Why didn’t that save Charlie Hebdo victims? Retrieved 3 Dec., 2015 from  Yep. You read the citation correctly! Even the liberal Washington Post is questioning the effectiveness of gun control laws.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Indian chief and the rattlesnake.

Did you ever hear the tale of the Indian chief who found a rattle snake dying from the cold at the top of a mountain?

The snake pleaded with the chief to carry ...him down the mountain so he could get warm and recover and live. 

The good hearted chief took pity and took the snake down the mountain. There the snake gave him a deadly bite. The chief asked the rattler how he could do such an evil thing. The rattler replied "you knew I was a rattle snake when you picked me up"! 
Moral: compassion should not outweigh common sense.
Just saying.....

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Now is the time....

Back in the days before computers or even word processors typing was done on something called a typewriter. Some of us are old enough to remember those. Some of us are old enough to even been around when they were in use. Others would have to Google “manual typewriter” or visit a museum to have any clue what I’m talking about here.

Anyway, an old “drill and practice tool” from typing class was the phrase “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party.” Students would type this phrase over and over again to strengthen the finger muscles necessary to reach certain keys and the like.

In light of the horrors that Islamic “extremism” has wreaked on the world most notably since September 11, 2001 and all the apologist rhetoric from those wanting to defend the religion of Islam as “peaceful,” “tolerant” and all that stuff, I’m going to modify that typing class phrase to raise the following challenge; IF Islam is truly a peaceful and tolerant religion that has been hijacked by extremists who commit atrocities inconsistent with Islam and all its true teachings, then now is the time for all good Muslims to come to the aid of their faith and hijack it back! In fact it’s way past time.

IF Islam doesn’t teach, condone, encourage or even ignore these kinds of atrocities that are almost daily committed in its name, then it’s time to remember the proverb that “actions speak louder than words.” In short, it’s way past time for all the good, peaceful and tolerant Muslims who are supposed to be disgusted, appalled, revolted and horrified like the rest of us at these barbaric, inhuman, intolerant and savage brutalities and atrocities to speak up, rise up and take Islam back to an obviously, outwardly and consistently peaceful and tolerant and non-violent religion. Not token protests with a few Muslims who after much pressure say a few key things then go totally silent again. I mean every individual member of that faith right up to the Imams and Mullahs and Ayatollahs who lead and represent its faithful.

To do otherwise, is tantamount to silent support of the current violent and intolerant state of the religion that most people think Islam to be.

Will Syrian refugees bring Shariah Law and civil war like happened to Lebanon?

Brigitte Gabriel saw the influx of Islam destroy her native Lebanon. "when militant Muslims from throughout the Middle East poured into Lebanon and declared jihad against the Lebanese Christians."* This led to a 15-year civil war.

Lebanon "used to be the majority Christian country in the Middle East—the only majority Christian country in the Middle East. We were open-minded. We were fair. We were tolerant. We were multi-cultural—we prided ourselves on our multi-culturalism. We had open border policy—we welcomed everyone to our country from the Arabic countries surrounding us...the minority Islamic population in the country became the majority simply because of the way they multiplied, compared to people like us, who come from a Judeo-Christian background—they have multiple marriages, they have many children out of each wife."** [Emphasis added.]

 "In 1975, the Muslims and Palestinians declared a Jihad on the Christians in Lebanon, massacring thousands of Lebanese Christians. At age ten, Gabriel saw her childhood home destroyed. Her family moved to a bomb shelter, where they remained for the next seven years. To stay alive, Gabriel had to eat grass and crawl under sniper bullets to get water from a spring."***

"The more concessions you make, the more they will pick on you," she said.***

Wake up, America. Obama is insisting - despite public opinion against it and more than half of state governors saying no**** - trying to flood our country with Muslim refugees from Syria. This is reckless, irresponsible and because it could very well make us end up like Paris and like Lebanon and/or with the Islamic State imposing Shariah Law on us.

*MacMillan Publishers (n.d.) Advertisement re Because They Hate; A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America. Retrieved 19 November, 2015 from

**Gabriel, B. (14 June, 2012) Radio interview with Roger Aranoff on BlogTalkRadio. Transcript retrieved 19 November, 2015 from

***Yellin, D. (n.d.) Warning the Western World; Brigitte Gabriel: A Lebanese Christian Journalist Battles for Israel. Retrieved 19 November, 2015 from

****Fantz, A. and Brumfield, B. (17 November, 2015) More than half the nation's governors say Syrian refugees not Retrieved 19 November, 2015 from

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The new American way of life.....

I think I've heard it ALL now....

This country is about one step from coming undone. I think the closest it's ever came to this before in my lifetime was perhaps 1968.

Similar to 1968, racial tensions - between blacks and whites, particularly - are at a breaking point. But, I'm not sure they've ever been as bad as they are here in 2015. Take for example, "After at least 129 people were killed in coordinated attacks on Friday in Paris, several protesters took to Twitter to express anger at 'losing the spotlight' in the media.

"'Racist white people kill me, you want everyone to have sympathy for YOUR tragedy, but you have none for ours,' wrote user Melanin Monroe under the Twitter handle @NeonElectricity in a post that has since been removed."*

But, the difference between 1968 and now was we still had a federal and state system that were pretty much in agreement with each other and a federal system that still valued the rule of law as set out in the Constitution, Bill of Rights, et al. 

Now, even that's went down the crapper with the puppet government we have now.

* 18 November, 2015. "All about them: Mizzou, Black Lives protestors say Paris attacks took spotlight. 

Too good, too "spot on"...well, not to share!

Can there be any doubt left?

Image result for Muslim obamaHow can anyone retain even a shred of belief that Obama has America’s best interests at heart when 1) in the immediate aftermath of the Paris terror attacks this weekend, 2) 31 of the 50 governors of US states say they don’t want Syrian refugees admitted into their states because of they pose a huge security risk similar to what happened in Paris, yet 3) Obama still insists he’s gonna let them in and shove them into the country all across the USA.

Tell me this clown isn’t a Muslim himself! Tell me he isn’t trying to facilitate a terror strike just like happened at the Boston Marathon* in 2013 and last weekend in Paris right here in the USA!

Can there be any doubt left in anyone’s mind that Obama is out to bring America down?

* "The brothers [Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev] who are alleged to have planted bombs near the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday reached the United States in 2002 after their ethnic Chechen family fled the Caucasus. They had been living in the Central Asian republic of Kyrgyzstan and were prevented from resettling in war-racked Chechnya." 
Finn, P., Leonig, C., Englund, W. (19 April, 2013) Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were refugees from brutal Chechen conflict. The Washington Post. Retrieved 18 November, 2015 from

Saturday, November 14, 2015

So, what's the answer?

French President Francois Hollande says the Friday the 13th terror attacks in Paris were an "act of war." Well, Monsieur le Président, I say bon chance* with that. Firstly, France hasn't won a war since WWI. They didn't win in WW2 - we basically won that for them and the rest of the world. They didn't win in French Indochina (not that we fared much better there) and they didn't win in Algeria.

For one thing, the French military isn't that large - 
or that strong - like it was in their days of empire. They would need - badly - allied support, big time, to win anything of any size and deployment.

But, most importantly, even if they - or the civilized world starts a war against ISIS - I don't think they or the rest of the non-Muslim world has the fortitude needed to finish it.

A quick look at history is appropriate here. By 1864, America's Civil War was dragging into its 3rd year with no end in sight. 
America's own Civil War general William Tecumseh Sherman told Union Commander in Chief Grant that as long as the War was a distant reality to the South, the Confederacy was not motivated to end it.His philosophy became "War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over." 

Sherman's infamous fiery and terrifying “March to the Sea” was executed so to frighten the civilian population of Georgia into abandoning the Confederate cause. Sherman was convinced the Confederacy was being kept strong not from its military but from the moral and material of Southern Confederates.

Sherman knew he had to quite literally "fight fire with fire." And the experts in terrorism analysis say we need to do the same here in the 21st century to defeat Islamic terrorism.

For one thing, the naysayers are quick to mention that unlike the Confederacy, unlike the Hun of WW 1 or the Nazis of WW2, Islamic terrorists are not a uniformed military fighting for a centralized national government. Instead they are - like the Viet Minh and Viet Cong of Indochina/Vietnam - by their very nature obscure forces embedded into the very societies of various nations in which they strike - including France and the United States.

However, by their very nature, embedded terrorists rely on the same moral and military support of their surrounding societies and various Middle Eastern countries very much like - even more so - the uniformed armies of the Confederacy did from the civilian population of Georgia.

So, like Sherman did to Georgia, I agree with current US presidential candidate Donald Trump that we should ""bomb the (expletive deleted) out of ISIS."**

Just this morning I got mildly taken to task by a friend who chastised me for saying bombing we should literally carpet bomb the crap out of that part of the world (in the spirit of Sherman's philosophy of bringing the pain to them). Her opinion is that to do that would hurt a lot of the good Muslims who don't agree with the radicals and terrorists.

Like I say, just like in Vietnam we lack the fortitude to do what is necessary to finish it against an enemy like the VC of the 1960s or the Islamic terrorists of today.
But to those who worry about the fate of the "good" but silent people in that part of the world, I say firstly it's long past time for those good but silent people to rise up and turn out the radicals. Those good but silent people and governments need to leave the terrorists and those of like mind with them absolutely no safe havens to hide or train in - not in homes, not in mosques, not in sympathetic countries. Those good but silent people and governments need to go beyond silence or platitudinous statements and make it specifically well-known and very damned well-demonstrated that to support terrorists in any way means pain - death and destruction the likes of which the terrorists bring to US!

We keep on doing it until terrorists have no friendly places to hide, train or do business in. We keep on doing it until every one terrorists turn to and everywhere they run to slams the door in their face and shuts them out in the cold to be captured or killed. And we keep on doing it until this crap completely stops!

If our protection from being gunned down in a concert hall, sidewalk cafe or blown up at a soccer stadium or by a hijacked airliner slamming into our places of business and our national and cultural survival means the pain or death of "good" but silent people and governments then, I'm sorry, but so bloody be it! Some day - probably sooner than later - it's gonna come down to either us or them. And I know which way I'm gonna decide on that one.

Lastly, to those who say we can't "fight fire with fire," I say, then what's your solution? Whatever it is, we better come up with an effective solution and damned quick.

*"good luck"
**Gore, L. (13 Nov., 2015) Donald Trump: "I would bomb the s--- out of ISIS," AL.COM. Retrived 14 Nov., 2015 from

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

A sad event on the eve of Veterans' Day 2015

Last July 2, 2015, Wichita, Kansas Mayor Jeff Longwell ordered the removal of the CONFEDERATE BATTLE FLAG from the Open Air Flag Museum in his city's VETERANS' MEMORIAL PARK.  Yesterday, the Wichita Board of Park Commissioners demonstrated their lack of historical and legal knowledge on point by voting the flag would remain removed from the park. 

The CONFEDERATE BATTLE FLAG had flown on it's flag pole in VETERANS' MEMORIAL PARK for over 40 years.  All the while at the base of its pole, a plaque under the BATTLE FLAG reminded visitors of the great test our country went through during the War Between The States.  

However, BEFORE yesterday afternoon's meeting, the supposedly open-minded Wichita Board of Park Commissioners that was supposedly interested in seeking public comment from both sides had already detailed workmen to have the plaque for this flag removed. So much for open-mindedness while seeking public opinion at the yet-to-happen meeting! 

Even the media can't get it right because they, nine times out of ten, will call the CONFEDERATE BATTLE FLAG the CONFEDERATE FLAG.  And that is not correct. Neither are allegations that:
  • Kansas was never part of the Confederacy, so the flag doesn't belong in the Park. The reality of it is, that BATTLE flag flies there in honor of the Confederate dead who lost their lives in the Battle of Mine Creek - in Kansas! (near Pleasanton).
  • The Confederacy lost so therefore its improper to honor its dead veterans. The reality of it is, US Public Law [H. R. 358] 72 Stat. 133 (e), recognized "… the term 'veteran' includes a person who served in the military or naval forces of the Confederate States of America…."  Therefore, this flag very much belongs in this park.
  • The US flag which flies over the dead Union veterans in cemeteries such as WIchita's own Maple Grove Cemetery on Hillside Avenue was a flag of a nation that was against slavery. Not exactly. The reality is that the Confederate Flag was only flown as a slave flag for a mere 4 years. The U.S. flag was flown as a flag over a land in which slavery was legal and endorsed for 85 years. 
Education, facts and the truth are supposed to be mightier then impulsive emotion.  But, instead of relying on such inconvenient things like US federal law and historical fact, the "leadership" of the City of Wichita preferred instead to yield to ignorance, emotion and political-correctness thereby embodying the statement of "when your emotions are high, your logic is low".  You don't think straight.  

A damned sad occurrence on the day before Veterans Day, 2015.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Sen. Ted Cruz takes on CNBC moderators at Boulder debate


The way these elitist media commentators react to his points just further proves his point as to why the public doesn't trust the media.

Monday, September 7, 2015

This guy exemplifies exactly why an open borders philosophy is destructive to America.

Just one more dingbat from the Land of Fruits, Nuts and Flakes known otherwise as California. 
This is exactly why Brigit Gabrielle admonishes the U.S. constantly not to allow open borders. If you remember from her presentation at Central Christian years ago, such an open immigration policy is how the Muslims took over Lebanon and threw it into civil war in the1980s.....

In March of 2015, six University of [where else?] California at Irvine students made the decision to remove the American flag from the the University's student government lobby.

Thaaaat's right. This is how low we've sunk in America.

Why, you ask? Because, according to 1st generation American student government member Matthew Guevara who wrote the resolution in part:

“Flags construct paradigms of conformity and sets homogenized standards for others to obtain which in this country typically are idolized as freedom, equality, and democracy…freedom of speech, in a space that aims to be as inclusive as possible can be interpreted as hate speech.”

What does that mean? Political satirist Ami Horowitz helped clarify what it means in a recent interview with Guevara. 

Guevara: “It [the American flag] was creating a very hostile environment…”

When Horowitz asked if he'd be "equally uncomfortable with the Nazi flag, or the ISIS flag in that room," Guevara replied “Yeah. Yeah, no question about it.”

So, now we have 1st-generation American college students who view Old Glory, the Stars and Stripes, the American flag... equally as vile as the Nazi flag or the flag of the terrorist Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). 

This is how low we've sunk in America.

When Horowitz asks “Can you identify evil in this world?” Guevara quickly says, "The U.S."

Yet, during this same interview, this punk college kid openly admits his parents are from Mexico, that they came to the U.S. to live the American dream and that he is receiving federal tuition loans and other aid to attend college - all in the nation that he has such contempt for and even thinks is "evil."* 

Besides being a glaring example of how low this country has sunk, this student government attitude is exactly what's disastrous about an open-border immigration policy as espoused by the Democrat Party and liberals (as if there's any difference between those two demographics anymore). 

If the moronic example of Matthew Guevara and the UC - Irvine student government association doesn't prove it enough, take the example of Brigitte Gabriel and Lebanon; 

"Lebanon, which used to be the majority Christian country in the Middle East—the only majority Christian country in the Middle East. We were open-minded. We were fair. We were tolerant. We were multi-cultural—we prided ourselves on our multi-culturalism. We had open border policy—we welcomed everyone to our country from the Arabic countries surrounding us because we wanted to share with them the Westernization which we had created in the heart of the Middle East. Muslims used to send their children to study in our universities from all the surrounding Arabic countries because we had built the best universities in the Middle East. We built the best economy—they graduated, then worked in our economy. In the ’60s, Beirut became known as “Paris of the Middle East” and the banking capital of the Middle East. Unfortunately, Roger, all that began to change after 20, 30 years of our independence. By that time, the minority Islamic population in the country became the majority simply because of the way they multiplied, compared to people like us, who come from a Judeo-Christian background—they have multiple marriages, they have many children out of each wife. We had the situation contained until the 1970s, when Lebanon accepted a third wave of Palestinian refugees. The majority of them were Muslims, they put their heads together with the Muslims in Lebanon, declared war on the Christians...."**

Learn from history, America. Before it's too late.

*Guevara, M. (5 Sept, 2015) U.C. Irvine student leader: American flag represents hate speech. Retrieved 7 September, 2015 from
**Aronoff, R. (9 Jul, 2012) Accuracy in Media, Interview with Brigitte Gabriel. Retrieved 7 September, 2015 from

Friday, September 4, 2015

Really? Seriously? Black activist: "It's open season on killing crackers and white cops." Why isn't this racist idiot in jail for such video commentary?

Really? Seriously?

The above video is the face of ignorant, antisocial, racist hatespeech. And note who is saying it - a black "man!" A black "man" who is a radio host who calls himself "King Noble." He's also a self-proclaimed "leader" of black people calling them to rise up and shoot white cops and "crackers" (white people).

He's apparently too stupid to realize that nearly all lions live in Africa with a tiny population found in India.* Certainly not North America of the 19th Century when the Buffalo were all but hunted to extinction. (Sigh. This clown is one more indication of my public education tax dollars at work.)

The truly revolting part of this is not only what he's saying but the fact that the past month or so cops from New Orleans, Texas and now even the Chicago area have been gunned down just because they're cops.

This country is about one step from coming undone. I think the closest it's ever came to this before in my lifetime was perhaps 1968.

Similar to 1968, racial tensions - between blacks and whites, particularly - are at a breaking point. But, I'm not sure they've ever been as bad as they are here in 2015. Take for example, the angry, racist horse's ass black dude in the above video. He's actually declaring it's "open season on "crackers and white cops," for crying out loud! Really? Seriously?  

Back in 1968 groups like the Black Panthers were saying  some of the same inflammatory things, but far fewer people took them seriously or their words to heart.

Another BIG difference between 1968 and now was we still had a federal and state system that were pretty much in agreement with each other and a federal system that still valued the rule of law as set out in the Constitution, Bill of Rights, et al - for all people.  

Now, even that's went down the crapper now with the puppet government we have under Barack Hussein Obama - our nation's first black president - and his liberal ilk. (Unfortunately, after all the chaos, destruction he's caused to our Constitutional Republic and the resulting divisiveness, I'm afraid he's drastically damaged the chances of any future black presidential candidates immensely. Just one more tragic outcome of 8 years of the Obama Administration.)

Of course, whether it's acknowledged or not, there's a terrible double standard in this country today where race is concerned. And it has nothing to do with white cops arresting or (allegedly) mistreating or killing black perpetrators. Rather it has to do with the automatic pass that so many black perpetrators get just because they're black.

Don't believe me? Then explain how come this violent anti-social moron "King Noble" hasn't been thrown in jail for a hate crime and inciting a riot. I guarantee he would be were he a white guy saying equally as racist and inflammatory things encouraging the shooting of black people or black law enforcement officers as he did in the above viral video.

Equally as revolting as the fact that he isn't in jail is the fact that another black rabble rouser, the "reverend" (in name only maybe) Al Sharpton and the black comedian Bill Cosby aren't either. Sharpton should be in jail for tax evasion.* And Cosby has been accused - not convicted - of inappropriate sexual relations with dozens of women allegedly against their will.**

"Black lives matter" is a big buzzword amongst black people these days. Everytime I hear that phrase or see it printed on something, I want to scream, "No kidding! Of course they do. But, by the same token, ALL lives matter. Not just the black ones, the white ones, the Asian ones or whatever. But Everybody's life matters."

Can you imagine what would happen if there was a "White lives matter" t-shirt, bumper sticker or rally? Again, the modern racial double standard. The same one that finds nothing racist about a network called "Black Entertainment Television" or a charitable foundation called the National Association for the Advancement of Colored - the 1960s and '70s term for black people - People or one called the United Negro the pre-.1960s vernacular*** for black people - College Fund.

Sadly, racism will never die so long as there are groups who can find advantage, power and money in "throwing the race card."

*McCarthy, E. (n.d.) Where do lions live? The distribution of Panthera leo. Retrieved 4 Sept 2015 from
**According to a New York Times' review of government records last fall, the MSNBC host and civil rights activist personally faces federal tax liens for more than $3 million in back taxes owed, and state tax liens of $777,657. So in total, Sharpton reportedly owes more than $3.7 million in back taxes. His other two for-profit businesses, Raw Talent and Revals Communications, (both now defunct) owe anywhere from $717,000 to more than $800,000, based on state and federal tax liens, reports from the Times and National Review indicate. Revals Communications also either didn’t file its tax returns, or underpaid its tax bills from 1999 to 2002."

"Sharpton’s National Action Network also owed more than $813,000 in federal back taxes as of December of 2012, according to the nonprofit’s recent filings. At one point, the National Action Network's tax liability more than doubled last decade, jumping from $900,000 in 2003 to almost $1.9 milion in 2006. In 1993, Sharpton also had entered a guilty plea for the misdemeanor of failing to file his New York State income-tax return. Sharpton has also said the National Action Network had once given him a loan to pay for his daughters’ tuition, which is a violation of the law. (SOURCE: MacDonald, E. (5 Feb., 2015) Fox Business, People jailed for owing less taxes than Al Sharpton." Retrieved 4 Sept, 2015 from

**"...more than two dozen women went public with allegations of rape and doping incidents over many years." (SOURCE: Newsmax (18 Jul 2015) Bill Cosby admits he gave Quaaludes for sex. Retrieved 4 Sept, 2015 from