Just one more dingbat
from the Land of Fruits, Nuts and Flakes known otherwise as California.
This is exactly why Brigit
Gabrielle admonishes the U.S. constantly not to allow open borders. If you
remember from her presentation at Central Christian years ago, such an open
immigration policy is how the Muslims took over Lebanon and threw it into civil
war in the1980s.....
In March of 2015, six University of [where else?] California at Irvine students made the decision to remove the American flag from the the University's student government lobby.
Thaaaat's right. This is how low we've sunk in America.
Why, you ask? Because, according to 1st generation American student government member Matthew Guevara who wrote the resolution in part:
“Flags construct paradigms of conformity and sets homogenized standards for others to obtain which in this country typically are idolized as freedom, equality, and democracy…freedom of speech, in a space that aims to be as inclusive as possible can be interpreted as hate speech.”
What does that mean? Political satirist Ami Horowitz helped clarify what it means in a recent interview with Guevara.
Guevara: “It [the American flag] was creating a very hostile environment…”
When Horowitz asked if he'd be "equally uncomfortable with the Nazi flag, or the ISIS flag in that room," Guevara replied “Yeah. Yeah, no question about it.”
So, now we have 1st-generation American college students who view Old Glory, the Stars and Stripes, the American flag... equally as vile as the Nazi flag or the flag of the terrorist Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
This is how low we've sunk in America.
When Horowitz asks “Can you identify evil in this world?” Guevara quickly says, "The U.S."
Yet, during this same interview, this punk college kid openly admits his parents are from Mexico, that they came to the U.S. to live the American dream and that he is receiving federal tuition loans and other aid to attend college - all in the nation that he has such contempt for and even thinks is "evil."*
Besides being a glaring example of how low this country has sunk, this student government attitude is exactly what's disastrous about an open-border immigration policy as espoused by the Democrat Party and liberals (as if there's any difference between those two demographics anymore).
If the moronic example of Matthew Guevara and the UC - Irvine student government association doesn't prove it enough, take the example of Brigitte Gabriel and Lebanon;
"Lebanon, which used to be the majority Christian country in the Middle East—the only majority Christian country in the Middle East. We were open-minded. We were fair. We were tolerant. We were multi-cultural—we prided ourselves on our multi-culturalism. We had open border policy—we welcomed everyone to our country from the Arabic countries surrounding us because we wanted to share with them the Westernization which we had created in the heart of the Middle East. Muslims used to send their children to study in our universities from all the surrounding Arabic countries because we had built the best universities in the Middle East. We built the best economy—they graduated, then worked in our economy. In the ’60s, Beirut became known as “Paris of the Middle East” and the banking capital of the Middle East. Unfortunately, Roger, all that began to change after 20, 30 years of our independence. By that time, the minority Islamic population in the country became the majority simply because of the way they multiplied, compared to people like us, who come from a Judeo-Christian background—they have multiple marriages, they have many children out of each wife. We had the situation contained until the 1970s, when Lebanon accepted a third wave of Palestinian refugees. The majority of them were Muslims, they put their heads together with the Muslims in Lebanon, declared war on the Christians...."**
Learn from history, America. Before it's too late.
*Guevara, M. (5 Sept, 2015) U.C. Irvine student leader: American flag represents hate speech. Retrieved 7 September, 2015 from http://www.breitbart.com/video/2015/09/04/uc-irvine-student-government-leader-american-flag-represents-hate-speech/
**Aronoff, R. (9 Jul, 2012) Accuracy in Media, Interview with Brigitte Gabriel. Retrieved 7 September, 2015 from http://www.aim.org/podcast/take-aim-brigitte-gabriel/