Brigitte Gabriel saw the influx of Islam destroy her native Lebanon. "when militant Muslims from throughout the Middle East poured into Lebanon and declared jihad against the Lebanese Christians."* This led to a 15-year civil war.
Lebanon "used to be the majority Christian country in the Middle East—the only majority Christian country in the Middle East. We were open-minded. We were fair. We were tolerant. We were multi-cultural—we prided ourselves on our multi-culturalism. We had open border policy—we welcomed everyone to our country from the Arabic countries surrounding us...the minority Islamic population in the country became the majority simply because of the way they multiplied, compared to people like us, who come from a Judeo-Christian background—they have multiple marriages, they have many children out of each wife."** [Emphasis added.]
"In 1975, the Muslims and Palestinians declared a Jihad on the Christians in Lebanon, massacring thousands of Lebanese Christians. At age ten, Gabriel saw her childhood home destroyed. Her family moved to a bomb shelter, where they remained for the next seven years. To stay alive, Gabriel had to eat grass and crawl under sniper bullets to get water from a spring."***
"The more concessions you make, the more they will pick on you," she said.***
Wake up, America. Obama is insisting - despite public opinion against it and more than half of state governors saying no**** - trying to flood our country with Muslim refugees from Syria. This is reckless, irresponsible and because it could very well make us end up like Paris and like Lebanon and/or with the Islamic State imposing Shariah Law on us.
*MacMillan Publishers (n.d.) Advertisement re Because They Hate; A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America. Retrieved 19 November, 2015 from
**Gabriel, B. (14 June, 2012) Radio interview with Roger Aranoff on BlogTalkRadio. Transcript retrieved 19 November, 2015 from
***Yellin, D. (n.d.) Warning the Western World; Brigitte Gabriel: A Lebanese Christian Journalist Battles for Israel. Retrieved 19 November, 2015 from
****Fantz, A. and Brumfield, B. (17 November, 2015) More than half the nation's governors say Syrian refugees not Retrieved 19 November, 2015 from
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