Thursday, December 3, 2015

We don’t need more gun control we need to emphasize SELF Control...and common sense!

Everytime one of these senseless and horrific mass shootings occurs – Columbine, Sandy Hook the Denver movie theater and now - with Islamic terrorism happening on American soil – San Bernadino, Barack Hussein Obama and his ilk on the left immediately start chattering hysterically about needing more and more and more gun control.

Well, I have news for you, Obama et al; the answer to Columbine, Sandy Hook, Virginia Teach and other similar active shooter situations is not more gun control. Rather, as far as solutions go, the solution to deranged, unstable non-Muslims going off their nut and blasting away at a room full of unarmed innocents is…wait for it…more and more and more SELF control.

Liberals and other gun control fans love to analogize a more heavily armed society with the Wild West and start talking about shootouts and blahblahblahblahblah. Well, the facts are that the amount of gunfights – be they two people standing in the middle of a deserted dusty street challenging each other to “draw, partner!” or teams of 3 or 4 each spread out across the rocks blasting away at each other – were factually few and far between. So much so that “Wild West” museums struggle with the problem of depicting Early American West history as historically factual (i.e., no gun fights) or to fudge a little on the period-correctness and have a larger percentage of gunfights than was ever really a part of the era, just to attract attendance and live up to the visitors’ paradigm of “The Old West.”
Let put that a different way. The historical record shows that even in a society as the “Old/Wild West” was with next to zero gun laws and a prolifically-armed populace where everyone was openly packing a “shootin’ iron” on their hip and every horse’s saddle incorporated a lever action repeating carbine there weren’t enough real shootings or shoot outs

No, Barry et al; the answer is NOT yanking guns away from private, law-abiding citizenry. It’s about getting back to teaching a consistent moral code to people from birth to death and enforcing that. Remember this nation really was founded on Judeo-Christian values that teach “Thou Shall Not Murder”*

And – central to this – they punished murderers in the “Old West” – swiftly, promptly and fatally. They “hung ‘em high” and were damned quick about it. No sitting in jail for 30 years while a dozen appeals were filed, activist judges ruled capital punishment “unconstitutional” or waiting on repeals from the governor.

No, the answer is not more gun control. Look at Washington, DC. In the 1980s and ‘90s it was known as the “murder capital” of the USA yet had the strictest gun control laws in the country.** California has the strictest gun control laws in existence in America today*** And in France there is no right to bear arms and one has to submit to a psychological evaluation and repeatedly renew a license to even own a gun over there.****

So, bottom line; for non-Islamic terrorism mass shootings, an additional solution is to cease “mainstreaming” the more unstable. Remember the Sandy Hook shooter and Columbine shooters and the Denver theater shooter all had serious obvious and demonstrated mental health issues. I’m sorry but we need to sequester those folks away from society (like we used to do). Don’t just medicate ‘em and send ‘em on their way.  Nothing’s going to guarantee they’re going to stay on those meds and not hurt anybody.

The answer is not “safe zones” on college campuses, “gun free” public buildings or any of that feels good but proven ineffective as hell stupidness. The answer is let law-abiding Americans arm themselves so they at least have a fightin’ chance at surviving should someone try this violence in their presence.

As for the Islamic terrorism thing; again Obama et al, the answer is not restricting gun rights. And it sure as hell isn’t shove more undocumented, unknown “refugees” from those countries down our throats (maybe I should say at our throats) and into our cities and neighborhoods. No, we need more self control and common sense from Obama et al on immigration – particularly from Muslim countries.

And in an active terrorist shooting event, a prolifically-armed society of law-abiding citizens has a far better chance of incident survival than does a heavily-armed police force that can’t be everywhere. Take yesterday for example. The area of the San Bernadino shooting, the area in and around the Inland Center, was literally swarming with law enforcement. And they brought in some big military-style equipment.

Fat lotta good. All that didn’t do one thing for the 14 killed and 17 wounded and who knows how many traumatized by the event. The cops – I don’t care how armed they are – can’t be everywhere at once.

*Original Hebrew Torah verb used in the sixth commandment was “rastah” which only refers to criminal acts of taking another’s life. Not the all-encompassing English verb “kill” that covers taking of life under any circumstances. See Wintry Knight blog (25 Mar, 2010) Does the Bible Say Thou Shalt Not Kill or Thou Shalt Not Murder? Retrieved 3 Dec, 2015 from
**Lewis, A and McKenna B (6 Aug, 2014) BBC News, Washignton DC from murder capital to boomtown. Retrieved 3 Dec, 2015 from
***Smith, S. (2 Dec., 2015) Bustle, California Has the Toughest Gun Control In the Country, And That Might Be Exactly the Point, Retrieved 3 Dec., 2015 from

****Taylor, A. (9 Jan, 2015) Washington Post, France has strict gun laws. Why didn’t that save Charlie Hebdo victims? Retrieved 3 Dec., 2015 from  Yep. You read the citation correctly! Even the liberal Washington Post is questioning the effectiveness of gun control laws.

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