We were all taught in school about the three branches of government and
checks and balances system built into American government. The Executive,
Legislative and Judicial branches of government all keep each other supposedly
in check and hence balance out any abuses of power any one of them should
Ya, right; not anymore apparently. Why do I say this? Because our
court system is corrupt. They're not "checking" anybody. Well, not in
terms of Constitutionally "balancing" anything, anyway.
Why do I say this? Because time after time this past decade,
whenever the American people whom all three branches supposedly work for,
actually vote something into law - something the legislative branch had
drafted, put through
Constitutional review, then got passed by a majority of the drafting body
(House or Senate) before getting it got the majority vote of the people - well
if such new law doesn't agree with the corrupt liberal agenda, well an activist
judge or a panel of them in the corrupt judicial branch just simply strikes it
down as "unconstitutional."
The liberally corrupt judges don't like laws passed by a majority
of the people that take action against things like illegal immigration,* gay marriage,** making it harder to commit voter fraud by requiring proof of American citizenship to vote - "only US citizens have the right to vote in federal elections"*** - just to mention a few. So, they just strike them down and make them go away.
Mind you; such corrupt judges need not offer any such opinion as to why - not such that must pass any kind of scrutiny or pass any kind of muster, anyway. This is because nobody and no body (or branch of government) really has much to say about the practice and can't seem to do a damned thing about any such judicial corruptness leading to any
Folks, this out of control judiciary legislating from the bench is not at all the way the founding fathers ever intended the checks and balances system to work. And it is just plain wrong. God help our democracy if this corruption is not stopped and corrected.
*California Proposition 187, passed 1994, repealed in 1999 thru
combination of actions by the infamous 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and
California Governor Gray Davis. See also California Proposition 8, passed 2008,
repealed by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals June, 2013.
**California Proposition 22, passed in 2000, repealed in 2008 by
California Supreme Court.
***The Right to Vote, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, referenced in Wikipedia (4 November, 2014) Voter Registration, retrieved 7 November, 2014 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voter_registration#cite_note-17. Overturned 7 November, 2014 by the 10th US Circuit Court of Appeals.
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