Sunday, March 20, 2016

King Obama, hypocrite extraordinaire

Image result for Obama hypocriteIn this week’s address to his subjects, King Obama put forth what just might be the biggest crock of hypocrisy he’s bloviated yet. In it, he’s railing at the Republicans for claiming they will not allow him to seat a replacement Supreme Court (SCOTUS) justice to replace deceased Justice Antonin Scalia.

In the first paragraph of his address, Obama lectures us that “[The Supreme Court] ensure that ours is a system of laws, not of men.”* Really, Mr. Obama? Are those the laws that you refuse to ensure you follow whenever you issue some Executive Order just to get your way – your way which you couldn’t get using that same system of laws you now claim to honor and obey?

“And [the SCOTUS is] given the essential task of applying the principles written into our founding documents,”* continued the biggest violator of and the one whose shown the most disrespect in American history for those very same “founding documents.”

Claiming to take his duty to nominate and seat a Supreme Court justice “seriously,” The Dictator said it “requires me to set aside short-term politics in order to maintain faith with our founders.”* Really? Seriously? Well again, I challenge you, sir; why is it that you’ve never let your duty to “maintain faith with our founders” stop you from ramming Obamacare, your Porkulus spending package and your umpteen Executive Orders down the throats of the American people who you knew didn’t want any of it? Remember, this is supposed to be a land of government “by the people” according to President Abraham Lincoln.

Praising Judge Garland, The Dictator went on to opine that Garland demonstrates “…even-handedness in his work.” I must ask you, Mr. Obama; would that be the kind of even-handedness you demonstrated with your comment in October, 2010 saying that you don’t mind if Republicans “joining us [in the car]. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back?"**

Mr. Obama, would that be the kind of “even-handedness you demonstrated when in this last January’s State of the Union address you took great pride in boasting to everyone that you have “got a pen […and] can use that pen to sign executive orders…that [in your opinion] move the ball forward…”***

So, given such statements and actions as you’ve made these past almost eight years, it’s pretty obvious that – despite your sudden praise for our founding documents, the wise men who wrote them and the system of laws they have created, you really think of our system is one of men – you and your ways – not of laws or due process.

Yet, your hypocritical bloviating continued as you praised your recent SCOTUS nominee claiming Judge Garland to have “An understanding that justice isn’t simply abstract legal theory; it affects people’s daily lives.”* Maybe Judge Garland does, Mr. Obama, but you do not. You have made it quite clear these last several years that, to you, the whole concept of our founding documents, their precedent and most of all their limitations on government – PARTICULARLY the Executive Branch that you have occupied the past 7+ years – that, once again, “it’s all about you” and what you want and that you want it now. You have made that quite clear as you have repeatedly abused the holy living hell out of the LIMITED powers that those founders and the documents they wrote that you now claim to respect allowed your position to have.

*Office of the Press Secretary (19 March, 2016) The White House, Weekly Address: President Obama’s Supreme Court Nomination (Transcript). Retrieved 20 March, 2016 from
**Associated Press (25 October, 2010) Fox News Politics, Obama Tells Republicans to 'Sit in Back.' Retrieved 20 March, 2016.
***Kaplan, R. (14 January, 2014) CBS News (Website) Obama: I will use my pen and phone to take on Congress. Retrieved 20 March, 2016 from

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