Friday, June 20, 2014


Einstein defined Insanity as doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.  Renowned economist and author Walter E. Williams notes federal revenue has stayed at close to 20% of the GDP almost annually since 1960. But the federal government has annually evermore outspent revenue. This out of control federal spending way more than it takes in that has resulted in today's massive deficit.

With all the “news” about the debt ceiling right now, it seems to me that raising the debt ceiling is an insane solution to solving a debt problem. When has there ever been a case where someone borrowed themselves out of debt? That’s “half the distance to the goal line” thinking. We’ll never get out of debt thinking like that.
And where has there ever been a country that taxed itself into prosperity? Can we provide any specific examples of 1) any such countries, 2) specifically how they did it and 3) how long the "prosperity" lasted and how widespread it was?

If anyone can provide specific examples of such in history, I’m all ears. It seems to me that our government does not have a revenues problem. Rather it has a spending problem.

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