Friday, June 20, 2014

I'm sorry, but this is just too ludicrous and hypocritical NOT to ridicule.

Democrat National Committee Chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz: "Republicans don't think that they can win elections in a fair fight, so they need to go systematically state by state rigging it so that it makes it much more difficult for all voters, regardless of political party affiliation or philosophical approach can get to the polls. What is rampant is the intimidation tactics that have been used by Republican supervisors of elections, Republican secretaries of state, and that the policies that have been used across the country by Republicans overseeing elections has really been outrageous in terms of getting in the way of voters who simply want to go to the polls." And when her host Rachel Maddow said, "What about the Democrat Party institutionally sorta taking the other side of this fight?" SCHULTZ: "Oh, gosh. No, institutionally the Democrat Party has been very aggressive. Look at what's going on in the Middle East and North Africa right now. You have literally, you know, hundreds of thousands of people who are risking their lives and dying to be able to have the franchise, to be able to actually vote and choose their leaders, and here we are, we have people who pull the levers of power in the Republican Party who are trying to do the opposite and disenfranchise Americans because they don't like the outcome of an election in a fair fight." Oh, brother.... Democrats found a pet concept and mantra when they invented that Republican George W. Bush "stole the election" from Al Gore in 2000. Of course, that was proven more with each recount they demanded to be an ever bigger lie, but like some urban legends, it just refuses to die. Or they refuse to let it. Adolph Hitler and Joseph Goebbels proved in 1930s Germany that if you tell the same lie often enough, to some it will become the truth. And our Democrat friends liked their New Millennium myth so much they tried it again in 2004 when Bush won yet again. But, after it had been proven such a paranoid fairy tale in 2000, it died a pretty quick death in wake of the '04 election and no recounts were demanded that time. Of course, there wasn't a peep about ballot inaccuracy or voter fraud out of the Democrats in 2008 when they got Barak Hussein Obama elected president. But now they're back at it again - this time BEFORE the election has even been started, let alone finished and results tallied. Florida Democrat Congresswoman and Democrat National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz is advocating that Republicans are stealing the election of 2012 (presently over a year and a half away mind you) by requiring photo ID and proof of citizenship to vote. That kind of paranoid conspiracy fantasy - I hate to dignify such idiocy with the term "theory" - has arose again. And is just far to ludicrous and hypocritical NOT to ridicule - particularly when she goes on to say that Republicans are doing it because "they can't win in a 'fair' fight." Really? Seriously? That's what you guys are going with? You'd seriously have any thinking American - nay, anyone short of someone who's had a frontal lobotomy - believe that allowing illegal aliens, felons and anyone constitutionally barred from voting to vote in elections anyway is a 'fair' fight merely because they tend to vote for YOUR candidates who continue to create, care and feed for the "dumbed down handout culture." Even more galling, you'd consider having legal citizens who are constitutionally and legally entitled to vote - once - in an election provide proof of their citizenship and legal voter status to vote and vote only once is somehow not playing fair? Really? Seriously? That's what you guys are going with? If so, then that is just far too ludicrous, hypocritical and downright galling NOT to ridicule.

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