Monday, January 9, 2017

Jeremiah Wright: "God Damn America"

Driving by a local church this morning, I passed a sign that pleaded, “Dear God; please make Donald Trump your servant.”


While I think EVERY President of the United States should be subservient to God, given the location of this church and its congregational demographics, I have to wonder why there were no such signs in 2008 or after pleading for El Presidente’ Barry Obama to behave like God’s servant.

As I pondered this question in my mind, I came to realize it couldn’t be because Obama was known to be a practicing Christian and believed to be one to behave like God’s servant. Why? Because the church he claimed to have attended, the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago pastored by the “reverend” Jeremiah Alvesta Wright, Jr., who In a sermon delivered shortly after the September 11 attacks in 2001, made statements about an interview with former U.S. Ambassador Edward Peck. About this interview the “reverend” Wright said:

“I heard Ambassador Peck on an interview yesterday. Did anybody else see him or hear him? He was on Fox News. This is a white man, and he was upsetting the Fox News commentators to no end. He pointed out — did you see him, John? — a white man, he pointed out, ambassador, that what Malcolm X said when he got silenced by Elijah Muhammad was in fact true — America's chickens are coming home to roost. [Emphasis added.]

“Wright spoke of the United States taking land from the Indian tribes by what he labeled as terror, bombing Grenada, Panama, Libya, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, and argued that the United States supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and South Africa. He said that his parishioners' response should be to examine their relationship with God, not go ‘from the hatred of armed enemies to the hatred of unarmed innocents.’ His comment (quoting Malcolm X) that ‘America's chickens are coming home to roost’ was widely interpreted as meaning that America had brought the September 11 attacks upon itself. [Emphasis added.]

Wright’s hysteria continued with a racist attack: “Wright then stated: ‘The government lied about the Tuskegee experiment. They purposely infected African American men with syphilis. .... The government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color.’
Wright blames all problems minorities and poor face on white racism – imagine that! But then he came completely unhinged when he ranted, “The government…wants us [minorities] to sing ‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, not God Bless America. God damn America — that's in the Bible — for killing innocent people. God damn America, for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America, as long as she tries to act like she is God, and she is supreme. The United States government has failed the vast majority of her citizens of African descent.”*

Really? Seriously? This is a Christian worldview? And don’t forget “Obama credited Wright with introducing him to his Christian faith. Wright officiated Obama’s wedding to Michelle and baptized both of their children. The couple attended Trinity United Church of Christ where Wright preached.”**

So…. I wonder if this same church I passed (not Wright’s former church – he was forced to retire in shame after his racist, anti-American sermon comments became so public – not even in the same state as Wright’s former church) had posted a similar sign publicly praying to God that good ol’ Barry would’ve behaved like God’s servant as POTUS.

I’d be surprised if they had. Funny how that kind of stuff only goes one direction, ain’t it?

*Wikipedia (9 January 2017) Jeremiah Wright controversy, Retrieved 9 January, 2017 from
**Greenberg, J. (6 January, 2015) Punditfact, Gingrich: Obama got a 'pass' on Rev. Wright controversy. Retrieved 9 January, 2017 from

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