Wednesday, September 28, 2016

USN PO2 intell specialist refuses to stand for National Anthem

As our once-great country and its once-great culture continues to circle the drain, even more stupidness has sprung from the whole “Black Lives Matter” hysteria (as if ALL lives don’t matter).

Besides the idiotic rioting that’s come into vogue everytime a cop shoots a black suspect in the line of duty or a black suspect dies in police custody, we have black athletes acting like buffoons claiming racist American oppression just makes it impossible for them to stand in honor of the country during the National Anthem.

Yeah; the plight of those spoiled, whineybaby black pro athletes is just heartwrenching, ain’t it? I mean, gee; they live in a country where they’re carried around like Arab sultans, cheered on by an admiring public fan base and get paid multiple millions of dollars annually all to …wait for it…nothing more productive than simply playing a kids game!

Oh, the humanity! I mean, their lot is just pitiful. It’s just hard to undersand how they can take such terrible life conditions and such “keep ‘em down” income levels, these black athletes.

The hypocrites!

As if their hypocrisy wasn’t bad enough…now we have a black USN sailor – a 2nd class Petty Officer (PO2) intelligence specialist – who claims she’s always felt “like such a hypocrite singing about the ‘land of the free’ when I know that only applies to SOME Americans. [She] will gladly stand again when ALL AMERICANS are afforded the same freedoms.”*

Really? Seriously? Who the hell does this woman think she’s kidding?

One outcome of the US Civil War/War of Northern Aggression/War Between the States was the permanent abolishment of slavery all across America.

Thanks to various landmark legal cases (Plessy v. Ferguson, Brown v. Topeka Board of Education, etc) ”Separate but equal” standards are no longer acceptable in anyway anywhere in America.

Unless you’re a minority, that is. Then, a reverse discrimination practice known as “Affirmative Action” have created separate but unequal & very preferential practice that gives minorities all kinds of preferential treatment in:
  • Hiring,
  • Education,
  • Career advancement, etc.

So just who the hell is this black Navy woman think is being denied any freedoms?

Not only is anyone not being confined or enslaved, if a black person cannot get ahead in today’s America, then I purport that they’ll never be able to because of Affirmative Action and how the institutions in the country (banks that loan people money, employers who have jobs for people to do, schools who have students to teach and train, etc etc) tremble at the thought of being accused of racism and hence go out of their way to provide opportunity to minorities that they don’t strive so hard to provide non-minorities.

This young black Navy woman should feel instead like a hypocrite for having grown up in the greatest nation on the planet for being fertile with opportunity – opportunities for all people who are here – and making such a ludicrous statement as her protest explanation.

She should feel like a hypocrite for making such a dumb allegation about a country where its black and other minority citizens have more opportunities for economic support (welfare, food stamps, loans, grants, educational admittance, hiring and promotion etc) than their counterparts almost anywhere else in the world. (I wonder if she could tell us why, if America is such an oppressive place, so many immigrants come here?)

Hers is the kind of idiocy and life in the Moronosphere handout mentality that these liberal social policies have bred in our once-great culture and country. It’s sickening.

I hope those military officials who implement the Uniform Code of Military Justice throw the book at her and prosecute her to the full extent of the law – to the point she does hard time over this act of hypocrisy, stupidity and treason.

* "Navy Launches Investigation Into Sailor Who Didn't Stand For National Anthem." Fox News. FOX News Network, 28 Sept. 2016. Web. 28 Sept. 2016.

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