Thursday, June 9, 2016

You can surely tell what's coming....

As the presidential election year swings into full gear – or what some might call “the silly season” – it’s just hit the news wires this week that Hillary Clinton has secured a historic nomination as the first female presidential nominee ever in the United States. Whatever.

Considering how corrupt the Democrat party’s primary process has become what with all their “super delegate” primary/caucus states and the stranglehold the Clintons have had over the Democrat Party since 1990, it’s really not surprising that she’s their nominee this election cycle.

But what is surprising is how anyone could vote for Hillary Clinton and NOT expect another presidency full of lies, scandals and deterioration of the credibility of the office of President of the United States. To vote for her and expect anything other than 4 more years of the corruption, abuse and deceit that America’s first black president gave us with his “most transparent presidential administration in history,” well, that’s just beyond my comprehension.

Why? Because all one would have to do is take an objective, analytical look at the eight years her husband and the eight years Barry Hussein Obama occupied the Oval Office to see in absolutely crystal clear detail the deceit, corruption, scandals and the abuses of power that are coming with a Hillary presidency. It will be tantamount to four more years (at least) of the havoc wreaked upon us by both Slick Willy and most recently Obama.

To expect anything more virtuous would be tantamount to absolute insane fantasy.

All I can say is, if you cast your vote for her and that lot she comes from, then you better not complain or claim to be shocked when the swirling cesspool that is the rotten to the core presidency (maybe dictatorship) that you should well be able to see coming by now becomes a reality. You’ll only have your own stupidity in how you voted to thank for it. And the rest of us will be able to thank you for proving the old axiom that “a fool with a cool tool (in this case your vote) is still a fool.” 

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