Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Political Correctness Police are at it again. This time right smack dead center in the Bible Belt.

Twice this week the Idiots From the Moronosphere struck not once but twice in eastern Kansas. The first was forcing an “In God We Trust Banner” to be removed from the Post Office building in Pittsburg, Kansas. Citing the usual incorrect and dumbed down “Separation of Church and State” – a phrase that contrary to popular belief - does not appear in the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution OR it’s Bill of Rights.* 

Thaaaaat’s right. The only thing about religion, freedom of or freedom from mentioned in any of those documents is the First Amendment to the Constitution which states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."**

It is true that some – not all – of the Framers wanted it more explicitly stated but the majority of them thought it either sacrilegious or too extreme to ban religion from government completely. But what the majority DID agree on was, as Thomas Jefferson later wrote to the Danbury Baptist Association (1802) that “that the United States Bill of Rights prevents the establishment of a national church, and in so doing they did not have to fear government interference in their right to expressions of religious conscience.””** [Emphasis added].

In other words, the Framers and their brilliantly written 
founding documents say only that individual
citizen can do spiritually whatever they please without interference from government and that compulsory membership in religion will not be government policy - period. It does NOT say that the government absolutely cannot condone religious displays such as a manger scenes in the town square or an “In God We Trust” banner on a post office wall. I mean, it says “In God We Trust” on our government minted currency so what’s wrong with it saying the same thing on a post office wall?

And since “The USPS has not directly received taxpayer-dollars since the early 1980s…”*** [emphasis added] then there shouldn’t be any problem with a banner saying the same thing as our money does being up on a wall. I’d be willing to bet that if the ACLU tacked up something to the contrary on that very same wall the same complainers would remain silent and the Pittsburg post office would not be so anxious to cave.

Along similar lines, in Lawrence, Kansas, 140 miles to the north the liberal hypocrites struck again.

On Kansas Day, 2016, the story broke that “A Kansas high school student who had been displaying a Confederate flag on the vehicle he drove to school has been told he can no longer show the flag on school property, according to school officials.” [Emphasis added]****

Free State High School decided that such a display was “disruptive to the learning environment.” And “Lawrence Superintendent Rick Doll said the school’s administration considered the student’s free speech rights before making the decision.”

Really? Seriously? Who the hell do they think they’re kidding with that pap?

Oh, but the double standard gets even more inane and hypocritical. “While the district doesn’t have a policy regarding the Confederate flag, the high school’s student handbook has a policy that states its commitment to providing a discrimination-free learning experience.”****

For one thing, the Confederate Battle Flag which has been totally hijacked by the race baiters of the 21st Century to mean only that one supports slavery and not to just stand for rebellious attitudes in youth (see “The Dukes of Hazzard” for an example), States Rights against an oppressive federal government (see the Confederate States of America secession decrees) and so on. So the fact that some teenager has a Confederate Battle Flag sticker or antennae flag on his vehicle should not automatically send the hypersensitive perpetually offended rabble rousers into their usual hysteria and overreaction.

But, alas, this is the 21st century politically correct culture we live in. Common sense and rational reactions to things are sadly so last century.

I guess the Lawrence School District only believes in teaching revisionist or politically-correct history and Constitution and government studies about the Constitution and Bill of Rights. And their views on “discrimination-free” are pretty skewed too. I say this because it’s pretty obvious from their actions and hypocrisy that they apparently only believe Kansans live in a truly free state and that someone truly has the right of free speech only if they do or say something the PC police agree with. However, if not….

I’d be willing to bet school district officials didn’t go around and yank any of those Human Rights Campaign equal sign decals off any of the cars in the parking lot or telling their drivers to not bring those vehicles back to school because voicing support for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender might be considered offensive to their Christian students’ religious beliefs and therefore disruptive to their learning environment.

Sadly, in this dumbed-down, politically-correct, morally bankrupt and hypocritical culture we live in can’t see the crippling mental deficiencies that give rise to such double standards. I’m sure the Framers and the other Founding Fathers are just spinning in their graves to see how far their brilliant creation of government has so decayed these past couple of centuries.

*Live Science Staff (19 Oct., 2010) Where Did 'Separation of Church and State' Come From?, LiveScience. Retrieved 30 January, 2016 from
**Wikipedia (26 January, 2016) Separation of Church and State. Retrieved 30 January, 2016 from
***”…with the exception of subsidies for costs associated with the disabled and overseas voters.” Wikipedia (24 January, 2016) United States Postal Service. Retrieved 30 January, 2016 from
****Associated Press (29 January, 2016) Lawrence student told not to display Confederate flag on vehicle on school property. Retrieved 30 January, 2016 from
*****By The Human Rights Campaign (designer)AMK1211 at en.wikipedia (this version) - Human Rights Campaign, Public Domain,****** By William Porcher Miles (1822-1899) - SVG adapted from this image, Public Domain,
*******By The original uploader was Themanwithoutapast at English Wikipedia - Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons by PhiLiP using CommonsHelper., Public Domain,




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