Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Yeah, yeah; you AND your horse....

And the stupidness just keeps on rollin’ on….

Just when you thought you might’ve heard everything possible in the never-ending stupidity associated with this anti-Confederate-portion-of-US-history hysteria…something else even more unbelievable comes up.

Just the other day, I was wisecracking that before it’s all over they’ll make just having the names “Robert” or “Lee” into a big controversy and…damned if a couple days later the liberal dimwits didn’t do just that. Sports television network ESPN announced today that it had “reached a collective decision” to remove its Asian-American commentator Robert Lee from covering University of Virginia’s season football opener because 1) of the idiocy the politically-correct nimrods demonstrated recently in Charlottesville, VA (removing General Robert E. Lee’s statue from the park named in his legacy as a Virginian and changing the park’s name) and 2) “…simply because of the coincidence of his [sportscaster Lee’s] name.”

In the immortal words of Jeff Dunham’s ventriloquist dummy Walter, “Good God!”

Oh, but it gets even more ridiculous. (Not at all hard to predict because everytime some part of officialdom gives in to the demands of these residents of the Moronosphere, they just raise the bar of the next ridiculous demand a little higher.) Apparently, the University of Southern California is considering renaming its Trojan mascot’s white horse. Why? Because it’s named Traveler and, well, General Robert E. Lee’s grey mare was named Traveller (notice the different spelling). So, apparently USC is thinking of "collectively" making a cowardly decision "simply because of the coincidence" of the poor nag's name.

I think there are more functioning higher-level brain cells in dummy Walter’s ABS plastic head than in all of the block heads of these idiot snowflakes and he other liberal flakes of all stripes who keep perpetuating this just pointless nonsense. Like some hundred year old concrete statues or the name of a damned horse that lived 150 years after the Civil War is really ruining their lives and endangering all of humanity.

What’s next? Enforced name changes for people who have the middle initial E in their names? Can’t have that! That Confederate Robert E. Lee had that same initial! So, if you have the same middle initial…well, by God you must be a racist too! 

Such is the irrational leaps of illogic of these idiots, so don’t put it past them. And every time some institution or another - the Charlottesville, VA city council, ESPN or - perhaps - the University of Southern California gives this stupidity undeserved credibility by caving into it, the next demands are empowered to be just that more outlandish.  And eventually nothing will be too sacred and no one or nothing will be safe from it.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Has the country gone mad? I truly think it has....

I've listened to the moronic stupidity that has spewed forth from the “talking heads” and whatnot in what passes itself off today as a “free press” regarding the protests and violence in Charlottesville, Virginia this past weekend. And while I was shocked with the coverage of that, I was absolutely floored at what's gone on since. How about you?

Firstly, did you know that those soldiers who fought for the Confederacy are considered under US FEDERAL LAW to be UNITED STATES “veterans” just like those who fought on the Union side? It’s true; Public Law [H. R. 358] 72 Stat. 133 (passed May 23, 1958) says "(e) For the purpose of this section, and section 433, the term 'veteran' includes a person who served in the military or naval forces of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War, and the term `active, military or naval service' includes active service in such forces." This law put Confederate soldiers and sailors on par with those “veterans of the Spanish American War, Civil War, Indian War and Mexican War.” It even provided their widows.*

Did you know that Charlottesville has renamed two parks now and removed two statues therefrom in the interests of political correctness and revisionist history? It’s true; the first to go was Jackson Park, a little less than a half acre park named after Confederate General “Stonewall” Jackson. And, as was all over the news this past weekend, next to go was the statue of Robert E. Lee in Lee Park, another small plot of land in the middle of town. Jackson Park is now Justice Park and Lee Park is now called Emancipation Park.

Wonder how many people will come spend their tourist money in Charlottesville now that those two statues – which stood since the 1920s. The spineless jellyfish on the Charlottesville city council have decided to have both statues removed and sold. So, tourists like me won’t be coming there and spending their hard earned money to see those statues…. (I was there a few summers back and did just that.)

And, lest it be trampled under this mass liberal hysteria about the harm caused by a bunch of nearly century-old bronze and concrete, let it not be forgotten that 1) the whole damn state of Virginia was a Confederate state during the Civil War and 2) both Jackson and Lee were native sons that fought for the State of Virginia.

So, instead of their statues should the state or city put up likenesses of Grant and Lincoln? After all, they’re the two men most directly responsible for defeating Lee and his Confederacy….. 

As if the Charlottesville idiocy wasn’t bad enough, some other dipshits in North Carolina followed suit and decided to tear down a monument to the Confederate dead. One of them, one Takiyah Thompson herself a black woman college student, said I’m tired of white supremacy keeping its foot on my neck and the necks of people who look like me.”**

Really, Takiyah? Seriously? What "foot on your neck" are you referring to?
  • Slavery? Sorry, cupcake, but the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution outlawed slavery nationwide in 1865!***
  • Discrimination? Wrong again, kiddo. There are all kinds of laws outlawing racial discrimination. Not only that, but with all the laws, etc requiring quotas in minority home loans, college admission and scholarships, hiring etc I would have to ask just exactly how you feel the Confederacy and any kind of white supremacy have any kind of foot on your neck whatsoever! In fact, I’d also have to ask that with all these protections available to minorities in 2017 that for damned sure aren’t there in either equal proportion or vehemence for those with caucasian blood, I would have to ask if a person of minority demographic cannot “make it” in today’s world, then what the hell is it gonna take before you people think you have a fair chance?

Or could it be that equality really isn’t the desired goal? Perhaps the very superiority in advantage you’re claiming to be victimized is exactly the thing you’re trying to create to your endless advantage?

But the stupidity didn’t end with her toppling that statue either.

The DEMOCRAT governor of VA (and US president-wannabe) Terry McAuliffe made such outrageous accusations (lies?) as “You saw the militia walking down the street [at Saturday’s Charlottesville protest rally at Lee Park], you would have thought they were an army….they had better equipment than our State Police had,” McAuliffe said. He went on to claim “…80% of the people here had semiautomatic weapons.”****

There’s two flaws with that nonsense, Gubnuh; one; in NONE of the media coverage of the event show anyone other than law enforcement armed with anything. And, two; if firearms were so prevent amongst the right wing types there, why did one of their more moronic have to resort instead to running over people with a car?

Oh, I forgot. This is still Amerika. Facts and reality don't really matter here anymore – especially to liberals or their puppets in the media who just let these people get away with such outrageous falsehoods without questioning them or otherwise calling them on it.

But, hey; if these nearly-100-year old artworks are really so oppressive to minorities because they fought for slavery (if you blindly ignore the larger issue at hand of oppressive northern cotton tarrifs and other “states’ rights” issues and swallow the Hollywood Koolaide about why the “War of Northern Aggression” as Southerners knew it was fought), then why stop at just Civil War monuments.

Hell, right there just outside of Charlottesville is the Monticello mansion of home of Thomas Jefferson and he owned several slaves. He’s even reported to have fathered a few kids by a few of his female slaves. (The libs used to just love to throw that point around.) So, if anything that stood for or benefited whatsoever from slavery has to go, goodbye Monticello! And kiss more tourist dollars goodbye, Charlottesville. For that matter, kiss a few jobs goodbye too as those employed maintaining the property and showing the tourists around will be looking for work the moment the first bulldozer makes contact with the structure.

Oh, and lest we forget the Jefferson Memorial in DC? That will have to fall, too. Goodbye tourism dollars and jobs there, too. But, hey; poor Takiyah won’t have anyone’s foot on her neck once these have been razed too.
But, why stop there? Hell, the Egyptians had slaves (read the Old Testament book of Exodus as one example). Should we tear down the Pyramids, too? Maybe close the King Tut exhibits? I’m sure Tut and the others buried in those tombs owned slaves, so yep! They’ll all have to be torn down too.

And, what about the Greeks***** and the Romans?****** They were both notorious for slave ownership – especially the Romans. Should we bulldoze the Parthenon Building in Athens? Level the ruins of the Coliseum and the Forum in Rome?

I’m sorry but all this hysteria about rewriting history is just nuts! This kind of revisionist history is the likes of which used to be employed by the old Soviet Union, for God’s sakes. We've really reached a new high in low in this country when this kind of insanity and rewriting the past to suit more palatable modern tastes is so rampant.... In another 100 years will they be desecrating our graves and monuments because we owned cars, ate meat or something that some future generation takes exception too?

Beware: Nations that sink this low typically never rise up to greatness again.

And, yes; once again for the record, slavery was a bad thing. We don’t want it back. But these monuments aren’t saying that we do – certainly not to 22-year-old minority college kids like Takiyah Thompson.

What she and her destructive buddies are doing is not eliminating slavery, oppression or any other such thing. Instead, by removing such monuments and unpleasant parts of our history from the public eye, she’s setting humanity for a repeat of the tragedy.  Don’t you see? If people don't learn from their history - both the pleasant and, especially, the unpleasant - they are condemned to repeat it. In the example of Nazi Germany, denying The Holocaust ever took place and the sick reasons why is a sure way to help it reoccur in the future somewhere.

But in the meantime this insane hysteria just grows in magnitude. It got all covered up in the nonsensical coverage about all the stupidity in Charlottesville, but just last Wednesday under the guise of “…ways Yale [University] might better reflect…our history,” Yale has…wait for it…covered up a musket (rifle) on a stone carving depicting…a hostile interaction between a Puritan settler and an American Indian…[However, they left] the latter’s bow and arrow uncovered.”*******

Sadly, ladies and gentlemen, I think the country's gone mad. And, I fear it ain't gonna get any better. Nations that sink to level of the conduct I've talked at length about here, never rise again to greatness. 

* “H.R. 358 (85th): An Act to increase the monthly rates of pension payable to widows and former widows of deceased veterans of the Spanish-American War, Civil War, Indian War, and Mexican War, and provide pensions to widows of veterans who served in the military or naval forces of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War.”, Accessed 16 Aug. 2017.
**“More arrested in toppling of Confederate statue in North Carolina.” Fox News, FOX News Network, Accessed 16 Aug. 2017.
***“13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Abolition of Slavery (1865).” Our Documents - 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Abolition of Slavery (1865), Accessed 16 Aug. 2017.
****Jacobs, H. (2017, August 13). VA governor defends Charlottesville response: Militia members had 'better' guns than police. Retrieved August 16, 2017, from
*****”10 Fascinating Facts About Slavery in Ancient Greece.” Listverse, 29 Sept. 2016, Accessed 16 Aug. 2017.
******”Slavery in the Roman World.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, Accessed 16 Aug. 2017.

******* "Yale Covers Up Gun in Stone Carving of Puritan, Indian." Yale Covers Up Gun in Stone Carving of Puritan, Indian. N.p., 11 Aug. 2017. Web. 16 Aug. 2017. <>.