Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Political appointee James Comey fired by President Trump.

So....PRESIDENT Donald Trump (eat it, liberals and leftists! Trump IS the POTUS and legitimately so) fired the Barry Hussein Obama-appointed Director of the FBI, James Comey. And the libs and leftists and especially the Democrat Party propaganda ministry that tries to pass itself off as the free press have been throwing a tantrum like Trump outlawed Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.

But let's face it; the Director of the FBI IS a political appointment, as is the Attorney General of the US, the Director's boss. Hence, a change in party, often brings a change in any politically-appointed position's occupant.

And, since Comey had proven himself willing to subjectively willing to apply the law and let politics influence a criminal investigation by admitting that Yes, former Sec of State Hillary Clinton broke the law by using an insecure private email server to send and store classified emails on it. And yes, she recklessly exposed such content to parties hostile to the US. And yes, there was evidence that these emails had been tampered with in attempt to possibly keep them from view of investigators, well...she really didn't mean any harm so the FBI would not recommend prosecution. 

Hence, his judgement and performance is called into question. And when the political winds change, that's always a dangerous doubt for one's new bosses to have about them.

But just in case all this media hype and hysteria tries to fester into "fact" or begins to cast a pall of doubt over PRESIDENT Trump's right/authority to fire Comey, read this about an FBI Director's term of office from Wikipedia:

"The FBI Director is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. J. Edgar Hoover, appointed by Calvin Coolidge to the predecessor office of Director of the Bureau of Investigation in 1924, was by far the longest-serving director; he held the position from its establishment under the current title in 1935 until his death in 1972. In 1976, in response to Hoover's lengthy tenure, Congress imposed a term limit of ten years for future directors, which was waived by the Senate for Robert Mueller on July 27, 2011 due to serious security concerns at that time. Since the 1976 law, Directors serve a ten-year term unless they resign, die, or are removed, but in practice, since J. Edgar Hoover, none have served a full ten years, except Robert Mueller, who served twelve years."*

*Wikipedia (10 May, 2017) Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Retrieved 10 May, 2017 from