Amazing the dark, sinister “nothing-to-beneath- them-to try” tactics
the libs/Dems (same thing) are resorting to to try and destroy PRESIDENT (eat
it, Libs!) Trump’s fledgling presidency and cabinet. And equally amazing is how
this sham scandal “fake news”) about Trump and Putin’s Russia colluding to rob
Dem idol “Crooked Hillary” Clinton of her immaculation as the follow-on POTUS
after Barry Obama.
If anyone with half a brain - which already rules out most liberals -
would actually think that allegation through, they’d come to realize that the
LAST thing a former KGB Lt Col and communist like Putin would want is a Trump
presidency. Putin would far rather want someone of like socialist/communist
ideology like Clinton than an entrepreneur like Trump whose motto was “Make
America Great Again.” Putin would far more desire four more years of a
marshmallow pushover America like his buddy Barry Obama created.
Remember it was Obama who late in his first term was caught in 2012
mentioning to then-Russian
President Dmitri Medvedev that he (Obama) would have more flexibility
to negotiate after the US election that November (which Obama was re-elected,
don’t ask me how). So, who’s stupid enough to believe that the likes of Vladmir
Putin or any other Russian would want to have to face off against would
be someone of PRESIDENT Donald
But since today’s media runs like the propaganda ministry of Nazi
Germany and truth has far little place in their product, they, like Josef
Goebbels of Germany follow the ideology that if the same lie gets told often
enough, it will become the truth in the minds of the brainwashed and the emotionally-driven